Setting up your University IT account

We will send an email to your personal email address with details of your University IT account:

  1. If you are a member of staff we will generally send the email the day before your start date
  2. If you are a student we will send the email up to 60 days before your start date.
Short and Long forms of your username

You will receive an email to your personal email address which contains your IT account username.

Your username will start with 4 letters followed by numbers. Some systems need you to enter your username followed by :

 ExampleUse for
Short formaaaaNNNNsetting your password, printers, the Employee Self Service system (booking annual leave and payslips)
Longer (eduroam), Microsoft applications (Word, Excel, OneDrive, Teams, Outlook, OneDrive), Minerva, logging in to University computers and the Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD)


Before you use your IT account you'll need to do complete the following:

Step 1: Set a Password for your IT account.


The password you set should be different to anything you use for any other website or company.

  • Do not use your first or last name as part of your password.
  • Your password will need to be at least 8 characters long, and contain at least one of all of the following:
    • Uppercase letter (A-Z)
    • Lowercase letter (a-z)
    • Number (0-9)

  • Open the email we sent to your personal email address with details of your University IT Account. We included a personal link to set up your password. Use that link to start the process.
  • Click 'Continue' on the page that displays the username (this will already be filled in - do not change it).

  • A code will be sent to your personal email address.
    • If the email doesn't appear in your Inbox please check your Spam folder.
  • Enter the code from the email and click 'Continue'.

  • If the code is not accepted
  • The code is valid for 15 minutes, after that the code will expire and it won't be accepted.
  • If this happens close the web browser, return to the first email we sent you and click the personal link to set your password to restart the process.
  • Once you pass the verification you will be prompted to set a new password.
  • Enter a password in the two boxes and click 'Change password'.

Step 2: Log in to Microsoft's Security Info site
  • Go to Microsoft’s Security Info website and log in with your University username and password.
  • Pick your university account if it is listed, or click on 'Use another account' and enter your 'username' followed by ''. Click 'Next'.

  • Enter your password and click 'Sign in'

Step 3:  Register for Two-Factor Authentication (Duo)
  • You will be prompted to “Protect Your University of Leeds Account”.
  • To register for Two-Factor Authentication (Duo) follow the steps detailed here: Enrolling for Duo
Install Duo

If you selected mobile phone or tablet please install the Duo Mobile app on your device now.

There are other apps with similar names - pick the app with the publisher "Duo Security LLC".

You can download the Duo Mobile app directly using one of the links below:

Supported Devices

The Duo website has the latest information on which operating systems are supported in their Duo guide

If you have an older operating system you may be able to install the app, but will receive a security warning when you use it.

Duo Device Regisration

Once you have installed the Duo Mobile app on your device you can continue with the registration process.

If you selected 'Mobile phone' you will be asked to enter your mobile phone number. Check the number you have entered, and tick the box to confirm it is the right number, then click 'Continue'.

If you get an error when you click 'Continue'

If your login on the website timed out while you were installing the software on your phone or tablet you will get an error.

If this happens go to and log in with your University username and password, and the Duo registration will automatically start again.


Step 4:  Register for Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)

  • Click 'Add sign-in method'
  • You should add at least two methods.
  • We recommend 'Phone', and 'Email' – for each of these choose an option that does not rely on you being on campus or having access to your University account.
  • Remember – the purpose of these is to help you log into your University account if you’ve forgotten your password or have entered the wrong password too many times.


  • For Phone, the form will ask you to select a country and enter a phone number.
  • You can choose for it to 'Text me a code' or 'Call me' – we recommend the Text option.
  • Click 'Next'.

  • A 6-digit code will be sent to the Phone. Enter the code and click 'Next'.

  • This completes the phone registration.


  • For Email the form will ask you to enter an email address. 
  • Enter a non-university email address and click 'Next'.

  • A 6-digit code will be sent to the email address. Enter the code and click 'Next'.

  • This completes the email registration.


Well done – if you’ve followed all the steps in this article you have: