Email if you have not completed your Information Governance training

All University staff must complete their Information Governance training every 12 months. You will receive automatic reminders from the LearningPool training system several weeks before it is due. If you do not complete the training you will then receive the following email from

All members of staff must complete the 'Data Protection' and ‘Information Security’ online courses in the Information Governance training every year.  Our records indicate that you have either never completed the training or that you have not completed it within the last 12 months. 

What do you need to do? 

You must complete this mandatory training immediately. 

If you have not completed it by 11:30pm on [date your training is due] your University account will be disabled, and you will lose access to all systems and files. You will then need to contact the IT Service Desk and allow up to two working days for your account to be reactivated. Once your account is reactivated you will have a further two weeks to complete the training. 

How to complete the training

Complete the training on Learning Pool.

If you have any difficulty, further information on accessing the training is available on the IT website. Alternatively, log in to and search for “Accessing the Information Governance Training”.

If you require the training in a different format for accessibility, please contact the Information Governance team

You will need to inform the IT Service Desk before the date shown above if:

  • You believe you have already completed the training
  • You have a legitimate reason for not completing the course before the deadline. In this case, inform them why you can’t complete the training and your expected completion date.
  • You have any technical issues with completing the training

This training is mandatory for all employees to ensure University systems and information are used securely. If you have any comments about this requirement, please send them to your Exec Dean through your local channels.

If you are unsure whether this email is genuine, please go to the IT website (, log in with your normal username and password and search for "Information Governance training". The website contains details of how to do the training and an example of the email sent if you do not complete the training (this email).