The Standard Non-Functional Requirements Template defines an agreed set of IT system characteristics which must be considered when procuring or assessing the suitability of a new IT system for use at the University of Leeds. For example - system capacity, scalability, availability, performance, security as well as compliance with external regulations and legislation. The standard set of NFRs has been approved by the Design Authority at the University of Leeds (June 2024).
Colleagues should use this template to:
- help identify a suitable set of non-functional requirements - which align to University standards - as part of procuring a new IT system;
- measure the suitability of a proposed IT system for use at the University by assessing its compliance with the standard non-functional requirements.
Guidance is included within the template, but please keep the following in mind:
- Any NFRs marked as “requirement must be stated” and “mandatory” must be considered and completed for all proposed IT systems;
- NFRs marked as “project specific” are located in the red tab, “Project Specific Requirements”, which need to be updated or removed on a case by case basis;
- There are different worksheets for system scalability, performance and service level requirements;
- There is provision for suppliers to detail evidence showing how they meet each non-functional requirement;
- It is good practice to ensure that all standard NFRs are reviewed with relevant stakeholders within the University before sending to a supplier.
If you require further information, please contact Antony Wood ( - Head of Solutions Architecture.