Getting started with AppsAnywhere

AppsAnywhere provides web-based portal access to a wide range of University software. It streams software to University Windows 10 and 11 computers, Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) or your own Windows PC.  

How do I access AppsAnywhere?

Accessing AppsAnywhere

If you want to access software using AppsAnywhere then you must install the AppsAnywhere Cloudpaging Player. This process differs depending on whether you're installing Cloudpaging Player on a University computer or on a personal Windows computer.

Important: At the moment, only Windows-based operating systems are supported. Most software used in teaching is unavailable for MacOS, so students with an Apple Mac will need to access AppsAnywhere through the Azure Virtual Desktop service.

To access AppsAnywhere, please visit:

Installing Cloudpaging player

Installing Cloudpaging player on a University computer

For University devices with Windows 11, the AppsAnywhere client should already be installed on your device. Please log in to AppsAnywhere and follow the validation steps under "Using AppsAnywhere". If this software is not installed on your computer running Windows 11, please raise a ticket with the IT Service Desk (see related requests). 

If you are using a computer running Windows 10 and want to access software using AppsAnywhere then you must install the AppsAnywhere Cloudpaging Player.

The AppsAnywhere Client can be installed from the Company Portal for University computers running Windows 10. For information on how to do this refer to the 'Getting Started with Company Portal' in the 'Related Articles' section.

Once this step has been completed and Cloudpaging Player has been installed, please visit and log in with your University email, in the format of

The following popup will appear the first time you log into AppsAnywhere. For University devices select 'I have it already' as AppsAnywhere client has been installed from the Software Center.

Installing Cloudpaging Player on a personal Windows computer
  • Visit
  • Log in with your university email, in the format of
  • The following popup message will appear, click on 'Install Now'.

  • You will receive a prompt to download and install the client

  • Click to 'run' the downloaded file.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
  • When the installation is complete, click 'Done'.

The AppsAnywhere Cloudpaging Player will now be installed on your device, and you will be able to launch software from AppsAnywhere.

How do I use AppsAnywhere?

Using AppsAnywhere

Each time you log in to AppsAnywhere you will see a purple spinning icon in the bottom right corner of the screen while your system is validated. 

Clicking the purple icon will show the following

The AppsAnywhere Player will launch while the validation takes place.

Once the validation has completed successfully, you will see a green tick icon. (this message will disappear within a few seconds).

Occasionally this validation process may fail and you will be prompted to open the validation troubleshooter.

Following the instructions in the troubleshooter to try and resolve the issue

Once your session has been validated you can start using the interface to access software.

  • Move the mouse cursor over the list of applications; or
  • You can quickly find applications by clicking on ‘Search Apps’ in the middle of the screen and typing the name of the application you need.

  • Clicking View all apps, will list all the applications available to you on the device you are logged into. 
  • Hover over the application you wish to launch – see Launch and More info options appear.
  • Select ‘Launch’ under the chosen software. A loading pop-up window will appear with the message 'Launching app'. Once complete, the chosen software will open.
  • Please note that larger software will take longer to load the first time you launch them. Depending on the size of the application, and your network connection/Wi-Fi speed, the application could take several minutes to appear. 

  • If you close the application and want to use it again, you will now be able to launch the same application from the Windows Start Menu.
  • You can customise the look and feel of AppsAnywhere by clicking the preferences icon on the top right of the screen.


More help videos can be found by clicking the Student Hub banner at the top of the screen.