Banner 9 for new users FAQ

This article contains answers to some of the frequently asked questions for Banner 9 users, including details on access, bookmarks and accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start Banner 9 remotely (VWD)?

The dates are in US format MM/DD/YYYY – What do I do?

Favourite shortcuts – How to manage?

Banner 9 shortcuts and desktop icons - How to install? 

Log-in and out issues – How to handle?

Bookmarked link problems – How to solve?

Accessibility – How to improve accessibility?

Page freezes – What do I do?

I am getting time outs – What do I do?

Banner functionality is missing or not giving desired result – What do I do?

Problems with specific pages – What do I do?

User permissions problems – What do I do?

Where do I find guidance?

Can I still access Banner 8?

Answers, tips & tricks

How do I access Banner 9 remotely (Virtual Windows Desktop)?

Banner can be accessed remotely from Virtual Windows Desktop (VWD) - please refer to this article for details: KB0014457 Using Banner, ODBC and Argos in the Virtual Windows Desktop (VWD) Environment

Banner 9 can be accessed via following link:

The dates are in US format MM/DD/YYYY – What do I do?

The date format in Banner 9 follows your Chrome browser settings, so they may be in US format by default. To change this setting, please follow these steps:

Date format setting in Chrome

Favourite shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are available for use in Banner 9:

The extended list of Banner 9 keyboard shortcuts is available in the following article: KB0014144 Banner 9 keyboard shortcuts

Banner 9 shortcuts and desktop icons - How to install?

The shortcuts (desktop icons) for starting Banner 9 can be installed and uninstalled using the Windows Software Center. Please check the following article for guidance: KB0014216 Banner 9 Shortcuts - Installation Instructions

Further information on accessing Software Center can be found in this article: KB0012865 How to install software to your work PC via the Software Center

Log-in and Log-out issues

If you are encountering issues with logging in to Banner 9, please check the following tips which may be helpful:

Bookmark problems

Chrome bookmarks can be used with Banner 9. If you are having issues with bookmarks, it may be that they were not created correctly. To set them up correctly please delete any and all existing Banner 9 bookmarks, then log in to Banner 9 and only then create the bookmark. This will ensure that when the bookmark is used in the future it will always load Banner 9 in the correct way. Bookmarks made on other pages e.g. 'Sign On' may not function and should be deleted.

To set up the bookmarks please follow those steps:

  1. Delete any existing Banner 9 bookmark
  2. Use the link to open Banner
  3. Login and view the homepage
  4. Set Bookmark now
  5. Sign out and close browser
  6. Open browser and use the bookmark
  7. This should give you the login page, which should work as normal

Accessibility – How to improve accessibility?

High Contrast Chrome extension

You may try adding the High Contrast Chrome extension for a better Banner 9 viewing experience. Once installed you can toggle it on and off with SHIFT+F11.
You can get it here: High Contract Chrome extension

Page freezes – What do I do?

If you are experiencing a freeze on a page, the 'working' circle will remain on the page. You should close all Banner 9 sessions and start over. If that does not resolve the issue please log the incident with IT.

I am getting time outs – What do I do?

Banner functionality is missing or not giving desired result – What do I do?

Problems with specific pages - What do I do?

You may want to check 'TEAMS - Banner Users' for any information related to workaround to existing defects. Please report an incident if you are experiencing problems with banner 9 pages. 

User permissions problems – What do I do?

If you do not have access to a page or process that you would have in Banner 8, please log a request to get permissions updated.

Who are my key contacts and where do I find guidance?

Please check the Banner 9 documentation for further guidance: KB0012334 Banner Training Documentation

If you are experiencing issues with the Banner 9 application and want to report them please use the IT self service website (

Can I still access Banner 8?

Access to Banner 8 is now restricted and you should not need Banner 8 for any processes. All Banner users are required to use Banner 9. Reporting continues to work as previously – there is no change to Argos and ODBC connections. Where exceptions apply you will be notified by your manager or head of service.