Accessing the Information Governance Training

Here is a guide to accessing the Information Governance training.

The training is mandatory for all staff and highly recommended for postgraduate researchers (PGRs). There are two modules in the training programme, Data Protection and Information Security.  You must complete both modules to complete the programme.

Please note the training is not available to undergraduate and taught postgraduate students.

Logging in

On receipt of an enrolment email from Learning Pool, login at with your University username and password.

Note: If you have an Admin and a DS domain account, please login using the account the enrolment email was sent to. If you are unsure about this, or have difficulties logging in, please contact the IT Service Desk.

If you are staff, select the 'Information Governance for Staff' tile on the homepage.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Information Governance for Staff tile

If you are a PGR, select the ‘Information Governance for PGRs’ tile on the homepage.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Information Governance for PGRs tile

Click on 'Launch course' to go the Data Protection or Information Security course pages.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Launch course buttons

Launching the module

From the Data Protection or Information Security course pages, click on the module link to launch the elearning module.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Launch module link

The module will launch in a new browser window. If pop ups are blocked by your browser, you can either allow popups from or click the link to launch manually.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing message when pop ups are blocked

Navigating and completing the module

Click on the Introduction block to begin.You will need to complete each page in full before the next page is unlocked.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Introduction block

Progress bars in the elearning menu

The blocks on the title page all carry a progress bar at the bottom.

If the progress bar is full, the page has been completed.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Section complete progress bar

If the progress bar is only partially full, the page has been started but not completed.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing Section part complete progress bar

When the module is complete all the progress bars under all the blocks will be full.

Progress bars in a page

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing page main progress bar

Clicking on the progress bar will show you which components of the page you have done and which you haven't.

In this example the dark blue bar shows that the component has been completed and the white bars show those yet to be done.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing in page progress bars examples

Clicking a section that is not yet done will take you to that section and allow you to complete it.

You will not be able to unlock the next page until all components on the current page are complete.

You must complete all the required components on all the pages to successfully complete the module.

Exiting and accessing your certificate

When you have completed all the pages, click or tap on the Exit Activity button which is displayed in the top right of the module window. This will take you back to the course page.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing exit button

If you exit before completing the module, your progress will be bookmarked.

If the module has been successfully completed, you will see a tick in the circle next to the module on the course page.

If the course has a certificate, this will now be unlocked and you can click on the link to print your certificate (optional).

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing module completed and link to print certificate

Reminder: Don't forget to repeat the steps above to complete the second module in the programme for the training programme to be marked as complete.

What to do if you haven't achieved module completion

If you believe that you have completed the elearning but the tick is not appearing in the block then it's likely that you haven't completed all the interactions within the module. 

Go back into the elearning and check you have completed all the sections.

Check you have completed the training programme

You can go to the 'My Learning' page in Learning Pool at any time to check the status of your training and your renewal date.

When both modules in the training programme have been completed, you will see a green tick and the certification current status will be 'Certified'

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing status as certified - a green tick

If the training is overdue or you have failed to renew by the due date, you will see a red warning triangle and the certification current status will be 'Overdue' or 'Expired'.

Learning Pool screen snapshot showing status expired or overdue - red warning sign